
Tuesday, July 8, 2008


John goes to MultiSport summer camp started from this Monday. However, Tim was a bit late to pick him up on his first day in MultiSport summer camp. John was upset so he told us he did not want to go to summer camp on Tuesday. In order to convince John, mommy told John...

Mom: John, 媽咪寫媽咪和爹地的電話給你,如果媽咪和爹地比較晚去接你,你不用害怕,你可以打電話給媽咪和爹地,這樣好不好?

John: 好吧!那這樣你要給我一台手機丫!否則我怎麼打電話給你.

Mom: @#$%^&!才五歲就跟我要手機, 長大還得了!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Comfort kids or parents?

  It is about summer vacation period.   We arrange some summer camps for John.   Most summer camps will continue for 1 week.   John has more chance to face new environment and meet new friends.

  John is easy to cry in the morning at first separation from me as he know he need to face new environment and new friends by himself from now onward.

  Based on these 2 years experiences in American and local schools or summer camps.   I found some things interersting.

  If John stopp crying in the morning  when I say goodbye to him after the first day or the first few day.   It means John already adapts to new environment and the teachers may  take care their feeling well.

  If John is still crying in the morning everyday when I say goodbye to him.   It means that John is not yet adapt to the new environment.

  There are also some intersting findings on the way of interactions with teachers or assistants.
When the kid was crying at first separation from parents,  two good experiences I found from American school.

Teacher B:  When she saw kids started to cry, she would knees down to remain eyes contacts with kids and say something to comfort kids.  After a while, she will try to bring the kid  to join rest kids activities.

Teacher H: If you discussed with him for John's feedback when he went home , he will find some solutions to help John adapt new environment.  For expample, gave him a toy when John was not yet used to sitting on the bus by himself.

On the other hand, local teachers or assistants, no matter they are working for local or American school,  always comfort parents first and said: 

Don't worried, they will be fine after you leave for a while.  Of course, I also heard same conversation from some forigner assistants. 

Whenever I hear about the conversation, I know I need to worried about John's feeling for coming days.