
Sunday, December 14, 2008


早上叫陽陽去刷牙洗臉, 不知道他從哪裡來的餿主意, 說要幫他的毛絨娃娃刷牙. 我心裡很不願, 但又怕抹煞他的創造力, 我跟他說: 娃娃沒有牙齒, 如果你找得到有牙齒的娃娃, 你就可以幫他刷牙. 我想, 反正他一定找不到有牙齒的娃娃. 

過了一會兒, 他拿著Barney, 一隻有一顆布牙齒的兔子, 跑來給我看,..."媽咪: Barney有牙齒". 無奈的我只好讓他幫Barney刷牙. 過一會兒, 我過去浴室看他在做什麼, 我看他幫Barney漱口, 弄得Barney滿臉濕瘩瘩的. 我告訴他不要弄得濕濕的, John: 但是刷牙本來就會把臉弄得濕濕的ㄚ! 我拿他沒輒, 只好回客廳看電視.

後來, 過了好一陣子, 陽陽一直沒出現. 我又跑去浴室看, 沒想到我問他在做什麼. 他竟然說: 我在幫Barney洗澡 ...... 我看到Barney變地濕濕的, 我叫陽陽把Barney放進去脫水烘乾. John: 不行吧! Barney會縮小, 我要把他晾在陽台.

接著, 我叫他去畫畫. 沒想到他竟然說: No, I still have customers who want me to brush their teeth and wash their hair......

這下子, 他總共洗了三個. 還用定型液將一個娃娃的頭髮豎起來......現在全在陽台晾著滴水...


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sleep in the right place

When we thought we were going to have another baby, John was so excited. However, it turned out it was ecotpic pregnancy. We told John that we need to fly back to do surgery since the baby is sleeping in the wrong place. He seemed understood what we meant and he asked if he slept in the right place when he was in my tummy. We told him because he slept in the right place, that is why we have a cute boy.

One week later, when we go back to see doctor for taking out stitches, Tim and I are talking about we should ask the doctor what we should pay attention if we want to have another baby next time. John sat beside me and said, "tell the baby to sleep in the right place"...