今年元宵節前一天剛好是星期天,打羽球的朋友在網上買了一些天燈,準備在星期天晚上可以放。 Tim和我都沒放過天燈,更別說John了。那天下午,當大家準備要寫願望在天燈上,John問我:什麼是願望?我告訴他,就是他每天禱告的事或者他想要的東西。結果他很天真的說,他要寫 I want more toys and no sick. (平常John的禱告裡是不會禱告要玩具的)。但是想想好玩,我們就讓他寫了他說的 ‘I want more toys’以及‘No sick’,我和Tim各寫了一面。我寫Healthy and Happy,Tim寫了Healthy, Happy and Prosperous.
當天晚上,十幾個天燈一起飄上天空真的很美。回家後,睡覺前, 我如常的問他要禱告什麼?沒想到今天的Prayer request竟然多了一個,‘Pray for what we put on the lantern, no sick, more toys, healthy, happy and prosperous’…我回答他:‘what we put on the lantern is wishes’,他很快的回答我:‘If it was only wish, then we may get sick’…我告訴他:‘Don’t worry, we pray everyday for not getting sick, God will bless us and give us strength. Even we got sick, He will heal us.’ 這傢伙反應很快地說:‘Then, I will pray everyday so that God will make what we put on the lantern come true.’
從那天之後,我們每晚的禱告多了一項,而且他會自己 pray: ‘Dear God, I would like to pray for those things we put on lantern, no sick, more toys, healthy, happy and prosperous.’