
Saturday, August 27, 2011

UK Day 3-2 The first driving experience in UK

2011-7-1 Friday

We slept very well yesterday night and woke up late at around 8:30 am.  I thought our bodies might have overcome the jetlag.

After eating the breakfast offered by the hotel, we asked a receptionist about way to go to Eurocar, the rental car company. The lady told us it may take about ten minutes by walking. Since we made the reservation for picking the car at 10am, to make sure we could arrive there in time, we took a taxi instead. It took less than 5 pounds.

After providing my international drivers’ license and simple basic information, the lady immediately gave us a key and a piece of paper for car instruction! She told us the car parked in the backend of parking lot and we could go straight to drive our own car.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

UK Day 3-1 Reasons of visiting Highland again

  The first time I visited UK was in 1995. It was the first summer vacation of studying in the United States. To save money, I didn’t plan to fly back to Taiwan. When Chris, my best friend in US, invited me to visit his friend who studied in the UK at that time. I immediately accepted.  After all, it was a rare opportunity for me to visit another country. Since I was born, the United States was the first country that I visited. I was glad to have the opportunity to visit the second country. The other advantages included four hours flying time between US and UK, cheap flight ticket, and most importantly, I did not need to worry about the itinerary because Chris took care of it.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

第三天之一 拜訪高地(Highland)的行前想法

第三天之一 拜訪高地(Highland)的行前想法

  第一次拜訪英國是在1995 年。那時候,剛到美國念完書一年。暑假為了省錢,沒有計畫坐飛機回台灣。當朋友邀我一同前往英國,找他在英國念書的同學時,我立刻答應了。畢竟,這是個難得的機會。美國是我自出生以來第一個拜訪的國家,能有機會拜訪第二個國家,豈有放棄的理由! 而且從美國坐飛機到英國只需四小時,機票便宜,最好的地方就是不用動腦規劃一切。    

那時候,當我和朋友拜訪他的英國同學後,我們四人和他的英國同學的一個朋友,一共五人,一同搭車前往愛丁堡。到達愛丁堡候,讓從台灣到英國工作的朋友開車,載我們四個學生,從愛丁堡前往高地出發。在前往高地的途中,坐在車內,望向窗外,沿途上盡是一望無際的綠色草原, 穿插著不時出現的羊群,讓我有種心曠神怡的感覺。可惜當時並無數位相機,無法將所看到的景色一一拍下來。


  當決定開車拜訪高地,就必須尋找租車的地方。蘇格蘭可租車的地方好像只有愛丁堡和伊凡尼斯(Inverness) 兩個地方。 1995 年拜訪愛丁堡時,只覺得愛丁堡是一個非常工業化的城市。許多建築物都是黑黑的, 忘記是因為燒煤炭或其他原因。特別的印象就是蘇格蘭笛和蘇格蘭裙,以及我聽不太懂他們的英文。問了英文較好的朋友後,才知道他們有不同的口音,需要一點時間適應。這一次我們決定嘗試新的地方-伊凡尼斯(Inverness)。

  在伊凡尼斯(Inverness)租車後, 為了想讓旅程輕鬆一點,不想每天忙著打包行李,往下一個目的地移動。決定在伊凡尼斯住兩天.

       但是要去哪裡玩呢?原本考慮過伊凡尼斯城堡(Inverness castle)和戰場(Battlefield),上網搜尋相關相片後,發現無法引起我的興趣。進一步搜尋相關景點後,發現較有名的景點只剩下尼斯湖(Loch Ness)和厄克特城堡(Urquhart castle)。

       原本想放棄尼斯湖的, 因為尼斯湖水怪無法引起我的興趣。 後來,用Google地圖看了一下沿途的風景。發現沿路似乎是綠色的鄉間小路,就決定拜訪尼斯湖和厄克特城堡了。其他的到時再說了!

第一版 2011-08-7

下一篇: 第三天之二 第一次在英國開車