
Saturday, May 3, 2008


This conversation happened in taiwanese language.  Please translate into taiwanese when you read it.

There are several restraunts across the streets.  One day, when we walk out for lunch, we pass one of restraunts that we ate once only because food is not good.

Dad talk to Mommy : 這餐廳應該不久就會倒

Mommy: 嗯!

John was walking with us and heard about this conversation.

A few days later, we plan to go outside and ask security guard to call a taxi for us.

When we waited for taxi in the lobby, John turn to Dad and said: 爸爸, 為什麼你要那一間倒落去?

Daddy:  where?  

I looked around and can't find any building that is almost falling down.

John pointed to the restraunat that we mentioned earlier and said: ㄋ丫`一間丫...

Dad: Oh! ..............#^&?






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