
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jesus Loves Us

Tonight, when I was reading bible story for John, the question in snuggle section was about go and tell the people who does not know Jesus about him. I asked John why we should tell the world about Jesus. He said to me because Jesus loves us and takes care of us, so we should share the good news. Then, I ask him how he will tell. He answers me:


I will tell them, Jesus loves all of us. If you were bad guy, Jesus still loves you. If you were good guy, Jesus will love you even more.


I know he will be a good gospeler!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

止鼻血三步驟: 捏、直坐、冰敷


1. 壓鼻翼:先捏在鼻翼的三角形區域,5到10分鐘。
2. 直直的坐著. 不要躺下,因為鼻血會流到喉嚨,容易嗆到。頭往前傾,鼻血常常會流得更快。

3. 冰敷,這樣鼻血就不會流得太誇張。

小孩子只要有鼻過敏、或氣溫變化太快, 太冷、太乾燥,就容易流鼻血。可以從減少環境的刺激,例如:使用空氣清淨機和潮濕器;或是戴口罩與鼻腔塗抹凡士林等保護鼻黏膜方式來預防流鼻血的發生。好在大部分兒童過了青春期後,就比較不會流鼻血了