陽陽: 媽媽, 我知道妳屬豬!
爸爸: 那爸爸呢?
陽陽: 你屬猴! 我是羊。
爸爸: 那你的朋友瑤搖呢? (註: 陽陽的隔壁班同學, 出生在11 月)
陽陽: 我知道! 她屬Ho?
爸爸心想: 奇怪! 瑤搖不是才早他一年出生嗎? 怎麼會屬虎?
爸爸訥悶的問: 為什麼?
陽陽: 對ㄚ! 她屬Ho, Horse ㄚ!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
《第六感生死緣》Meet Joe Black
這禮拜又在電影頻道看了一次第六感生死緣(Meet Joe Black), 還是很喜歡這部電影以及女主角( Claire Forlani )。
It is nice it happen to you. Like you come to the island and had a holiday. Sun didn't burn you red-red, just brown. You sleep and no mosquito eat you. But the truth is, it bound to happen if you stay long enough. So take that nice picture you got in your head home with you, but don't be fooled. We lonely here mostly too. If we lucky, maybe, we got some nice pictures to take with us.
I want nothing more. What a wonderful trip"
人來世上,不論貧富貴賤,旅程的最後,終將面對同一個終點-死亡。即使這一生擁有多少華服美衣,曾經如何權傾一時,最終依舊要離開。這就像是旅行,結束是一種注定,但一路上請恣意遊歷;盡情體驗,盡可能的留下照片以及美好的回憶。旅行要結束前,好好回顧。 在旅行結束那一天,不管是否如預期般的精彩,都要微微笑,放下一切,然後告訴自己,這趟旅行很豐富了。
It is nice it happen to you. Like you come to the island and had a holiday. Sun didn't burn you red-red, just brown. You sleep and no mosquito eat you. But the truth is, it bound to happen if you stay long enough. So take that nice picture you got in your head home with you, but don't be fooled. We lonely here mostly too. If we lucky, maybe, we got some nice pictures to take with us.
I want nothing more. What a wonderful trip"
人來世上,不論貧富貴賤,旅程的最後,終將面對同一個終點-死亡。即使這一生擁有多少華服美衣,曾經如何權傾一時,最終依舊要離開。這就像是旅行,結束是一種注定,但一路上請恣意遊歷;盡情體驗,盡可能的留下照片以及美好的回憶。旅行要結束前,好好回顧。 在旅行結束那一天,不管是否如預期般的精彩,都要微微笑,放下一切,然後告訴自己,這趟旅行很豐富了。
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
teach your children values and do not give them everything they want
NEW YORK (Reuters) – The son of billionaire investor Warren Buffett has an old-world spiritual message for today's money-rich parents: teach your children values and do not give them everything they want.
Musician and now author Peter Buffett preaches the message in his new book "Life is What You Make it: Finding Your Own Path to Fulfillment". Recently released in the United States, it describes how he wound up a "normal, happy" person instead of a spoiled child to one of the world's richest people.
Buffett, 52, teaches the rewards of self-respect and pursuing one's own passions and accomplishments rather than buying into society's concepts of material wealth.
"I am my own person and I know what I have accomplished in my life," he said. "This isn't about wealth or fame or money or any of that stuff, it is actually about values and what you enjoy and finding something you love doing."
People who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth can fall victim to what Buffett said his father has called a "silver dagger in your back," which leads to a sense of entitlement and a lack of personal achievement.
"Entitlement is the worst thing ever and I see entitlement coming in many guises," he said. "Anybody who acts like they deserve something 'just because,', is a disaster."
But Buffett wasn't always this wise. His own family gave him $90,000 in stock when he was 19, a small sum from such immense financial wealth. After studying at Stanford University, he moved to San Francisco and lived in a studio apartment with just enough room for his musical instruments.
"I was really searching," he said, adding that he began his musical career by working for free writing music for a local television station.
"I was kind of lost, but trying to find myself. It was definitely this strange period where I didn't really know where I was going," he said.
As well his musical passions, the values taught to him growing up and a sense of a bigger picture in life stayed with him during those trying times, he said.
"I was not only not handed everything as a kid, I was shown that there are lots of other people out there with very different circumstances," he said.
Although many people he encounters assume that his father wanted him to go into finance, he said his father accepted his choice to become a musician beginning with commercials then his own albums and composing for television shows and films.
"It was encouraged for a moment when I was open to the idea," he said about pursuing finance. But he added that as he grew older, it became clear the financial world "was not speaking to my heart."
Along with the book, Buffett has embarked on a "Concert & Conversation" tour in which he plays the piano, talks about his life and warns against consumerist culture and damaging the environment.
He said he eventually inherited more money after his mother died in 2004, but by then he had learned his lessons. Now he works on giving back to the world -- another of his life philosophies -- which includes through working for his father's NoVo charitable foundation.
"Economic prosperity may come and go; that's just how it is," he writes in the book. "But values are the steady currency that earn us the all-important rewards."
(editing by Bob Tourtellotte)
Musician and now author Peter Buffett preaches the message in his new book "Life is What You Make it: Finding Your Own Path to Fulfillment". Recently released in the United States, it describes how he wound up a "normal, happy" person instead of a spoiled child to one of the world's richest people.
Buffett, 52, teaches the rewards of self-respect and pursuing one's own passions and accomplishments rather than buying into society's concepts of material wealth.
"I am my own person and I know what I have accomplished in my life," he said. "This isn't about wealth or fame or money or any of that stuff, it is actually about values and what you enjoy and finding something you love doing."
People who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth can fall victim to what Buffett said his father has called a "silver dagger in your back," which leads to a sense of entitlement and a lack of personal achievement.
"Entitlement is the worst thing ever and I see entitlement coming in many guises," he said. "Anybody who acts like they deserve something 'just because,', is a disaster."
But Buffett wasn't always this wise. His own family gave him $90,000 in stock when he was 19, a small sum from such immense financial wealth. After studying at Stanford University, he moved to San Francisco and lived in a studio apartment with just enough room for his musical instruments.
"I was really searching," he said, adding that he began his musical career by working for free writing music for a local television station.
"I was kind of lost, but trying to find myself. It was definitely this strange period where I didn't really know where I was going," he said.
As well his musical passions, the values taught to him growing up and a sense of a bigger picture in life stayed with him during those trying times, he said.
"I was not only not handed everything as a kid, I was shown that there are lots of other people out there with very different circumstances," he said.
Although many people he encounters assume that his father wanted him to go into finance, he said his father accepted his choice to become a musician beginning with commercials then his own albums and composing for television shows and films.
"It was encouraged for a moment when I was open to the idea," he said about pursuing finance. But he added that as he grew older, it became clear the financial world "was not speaking to my heart."
Along with the book, Buffett has embarked on a "Concert & Conversation" tour in which he plays the piano, talks about his life and warns against consumerist culture and damaging the environment.
He said he eventually inherited more money after his mother died in 2004, but by then he had learned his lessons. Now he works on giving back to the world -- another of his life philosophies -- which includes through working for his father's NoVo charitable foundation.
"Economic prosperity may come and go; that's just how it is," he writes in the book. "But values are the steady currency that earn us the all-important rewards."
(editing by Bob Tourtellotte)
Monday, April 12, 2010
感冒是由濾過性病毒引起的上呼吸道的感染,其症狀包括以下一種或數種:流鼻水、鼻塞、打噴嚏、咳嗽。喉嚨痛、聲音沙啞、發燒、疲倦、頭痛、腹瀉等。由於能夠引起感冒的病毒至少有一百多種。 加上每一個人對相同病毒的反應也有所差異,所以呈現出來的症狀自然多樣。
感冒是由濾過性病毒引起的上呼吸道的感染,其症狀包括以下一種或數種:流鼻水、鼻塞、打噴嚏、咳嗽。喉嚨痛、聲音沙啞、發燒、疲倦、頭痛、腹瀉等。由於能夠引起感冒的病毒至少有一百多種。 加上每一個人對相同病毒的反應也有所差異,所以呈現出來的症狀自然多樣。
感冒的潛伏期約一至三天。然後通常由喉嚨不舒服開始, 第三、四天其它症狀產生最為嚴重,然後漸漸恢復。如果沒有併發症的話,一般四至十天會症癒。 感冒之所以會好,是由於身體受感染後產生了抗體把病毒消滅的緣故。
醫師是治不好感冒的,目前全世界還沒發現安全而可以殺死感冒病毒的藥。 醫生只能就症狀著手,開藥使症狀減輕而能夠舒服一點。
藥都有副作用!維他命,如果使用不當, 也有副作用。
不少民眾告訴我每次吃了感冒藥都會想睡覺。我常馬上問他們,是不是每次感冒都有流鼻水、鼻塞或打噴嚏呢?只有那些鼻子症狀的藥(因含有鎮靜副作用的藥) 才會有讓人覺得嗜睡、無力的副作用。
(如果用藥得宜的話 ) ,其二是減少併發症的機會。感冒時,身體尤其是上呼
(如果用藥得宜的話 ) ,其二是減少併發症的機會。感冒時,身體尤其是上呼
一般人都以為『冷到』才會引起感冒,如貪涼衣服穿得太少、小孩半夜踢被等。其實不只如此,過度疲勞、心情鬱悶、熬夜都容易引發感冒 。
『很想睡覺時就去睡』 ,感冒的頻數也就少多了!在門診問患者是否幾天來沒睡好覺或心情不好,往往可以得到肯定的回答。感冒是很會傳染的,一個人有了感冒,時常全家人均會得到,而且很難避免。
感冒患者大約在前三、四天具有傳染力,如果能夠在這三、四天與家人隔離的話,也不失為避免傳染的好方法 。
感冒患者大約在前三、四天具有傳染力,如果能夠在這三、四天與家人隔離的話,也不失為避免傳染的好方法 。
1. 空氣流通: 醫護人員跟患者相處的時候總是在通風良好的室內,縱然患者咳嗽、打噴嚏,病毒也易被流動的空氣稀釋掉 。 不像家人共處在緊閉的室內,空氣不流通。
2. 避免手的接觸:醫護人員與患者少有手和手的接觸,家人較難避免。感冒病毒在鼻涕中的濃度最高,易經手傳染,所以與患者接觸後馬上洗手也可避免被傳染。
感冒時要多喝開水、多休息是大家所熟知的。 多喝開水可以減低呼吸道分泌物的黏稠度,讓喉嚨與氣管舒服一些。 多休息可以培養免疫力,讓感冒早一點好。 吃藥的目的只是讓患者在感冒的過程中舒服一些罷了!並不能縮短病程
感冒時要多喝開水、多休息是大家所熟知的。 多喝開水可以減低呼吸道分泌物的黏稠度,讓喉嚨與氣管舒服一些。 多休息可以培養免疫力,讓感冒早一點好。 吃藥的目的只是讓患者在感冒的過程中舒服一些罷了!並不能縮短病程
Sunday, April 11, 2010
發燒處理原則:發冷期-保暖; 發熱期:散熱+補充水分; 退熱期: 補充水分與營養
發燒三階段處理原則:發冷期:保暖, 發熱期:散熱+補充水分, 退熱期: 補充水分與營養
體溫: 37℃至新設體溫之間
體溫: 38℃以上即新設定的體溫
‧ 適時給予退燒藥。
‧ 必要時才使用降溫措施(用溫水擦拭身體、躺冰枕、泡溫水澡等) 最好是在使用退燒藥後三十分鐘再進行較合宜。但如果孩子出現不舒服、煩躁不安等情形,則禁止使用。
冰枕: 冰枕是局部降溫的作用。就是將冰枕放在孩子頭枕部,把冰枕當枕頭用。冰枕是利用傳導原理,藉由較低的物體接觸體表後,將身體的熱氣傳到溫度較低的一方來降低溫度。
2.醫師媽媽的小兒發燒照護經, 陳永綺醫師著, 新手父母出版
體溫: 37℃至新設體溫之間
體溫: 38℃以上即新設定的體溫
‧ 適時給予退燒藥。
‧ 必要時才使用降溫措施(用溫水擦拭身體、躺冰枕、泡溫水澡等) 最好是在使用退燒藥後三十分鐘再進行較合宜。但如果孩子出現不舒服、煩躁不安等情形,則禁止使用。
體溫: 體溫恢復出現流汗與血管擴張等幫助散熱的現象,注意補充水分,增加營養及熱量的攝取,並且適當的保暖。
- 在測量體溫時,有時會因為運動、長時間陽光照射、穿太多衣服等狀況,提高體溫,建議除去這些造成體溫上升的因素後,休息10-20分鐘後再測量體溫,會較為準確。
- 發燒時食欲會降低。
- 孩子的衣物應以棉質、寬鬆、吸汗、透氣的質料為宜。
- 發燒時僅需密切監測孩子體溫變化,以及觀察舒適的程度就可以。如需使用降溫措施,最好在給予退燒藥三十分鐘後再嘗試,以避免干擾發燒型態。
- 沒有依照階段幫孩子退燒,除了不能達到降溫的目的外,也會讓孩子更不舒服,同時會延長發燒的時間,造成抵抗力降低,變得更虛弱。
- 孩子發燒時,在依階段經過適度的處理後,超過30分鐘依然沒有降溫,就需要儘快就醫,檢查是否為疾病引起的發燒。如有順利降溫,則不需要過度擔心,此現象應視為小孩暫時性的體溫調節不適,而不是發燒。
- 室溫: 盡量維持在23℃至26℃之間,保持涼爽通暢。必要時可以將孩子安置在冷氣房中,或是用電扇繞轉著吹,但不要直接對著身體吹。這樣也可以幫助體溫散熱,也會使孩子感覺舒適些。如果發現孩子四肢冰涼又猛打寒顫,則表示需要溫熱,此時就要禁止使用冷氣或電扇,並趕緊加件毛毯覆蓋,直到孩子身體及手腳溫熱且全身出汗時,才可以再恢復使用冷氣或電扇來幫助散熱。
溫水拭浴:將孩子身上衣物解開,用約37℃左右的溫濕毛巾全身上下擦拭。使孩子皮膚的血管擴張將體熱散發出去,而且毛巾擦拭過後在身上留下的水氣,也會由身體表面蒸發,這樣也會吸收身體的熱氣,幫助熱氣快速散出。冰枕: 冰枕是局部降溫的作用。就是將冰枕放在孩子頭枕部,把冰枕當枕頭用。冰枕是利用傳導原理,藉由較低的物體接觸體表後,將身體的熱氣傳到溫度較低的一方來降低溫度。
1. 寶寶發燒怎麼辦?半數家長不知須分階段處理!書田診所小兒科 陳永綺主任
2.醫師媽媽的小兒發燒照護經, 陳永綺醫師著, 新手父母出版
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Grade 1- Kids rewarding system -2
The 2nd semester started, we do some adjustments for John's star rewarding system (SRS). We start to deduct John's stars if John can't remain good disciples or don't want to take his responsibilities.
1. When John drink yogurts, he usually drinks some then moves to doing other things. In the end, he may forget to drink up yogurts and leave the cans on the table or any place convenient for him.
I set the first discipline for him. If he want to dink yogurts, he need drink up, wash up, and put it into cans recycle bin. If he didn't do it. I will take out 1 star from him. The guideline already tell him for about a half year. However, he can't follow it.
Maybe I should give him a star if he doing well on this discipline, I think.
In the past, John like to help hanging clothes and organize clothes. We bought Wii FIT last weekend. Thus, when I asked John if he want to help hanging clothes, he answered he want to play Wii. I know kids like to help doing households when they are not good at them as they think they are fun. However, when they know how to do it and there are other entertainment available, they may loose interest in helping doing households.
Therefore, I define help hanging clothes as one of his responsibilities. If he help to hang cloth, he still can get 1 star. However, if he don't want to help, he need to pay 5 stars as I need to do them all. 2010-2-23
Grade 1 - Kid's Rewarding System
In the 1st semester of grade 1, we develop star rewarding system (SRS) for John. It is aligned with rewarding system of school homeroom teacher. The difference is that our rewarding system is also an allowance system. A star is equal to one taiwan dollor.
John can use the money to buy some drinks or snacks whenever he want.
In school, the homeroom teacher will give kids a circle whenever they behave weill in school. When eack's circles reach 20, she will give them some stationaries such as pencils or pad as rewards. However, if kids doesn't behave well, the teach will reduce their circles.
Our rewarding system focuses on encourging positive actions. He will get rewards if he helps doing households, give good comments from school teachers or anyone, write homework well, get good score in tests, or doing well on the things we want him to become habits. The things we want him to become habits include turning on the lights when play piano or read books, put bowls into sinks when he finishes dinner.....
The SRS system work well in the 1st semeters. John is eager to get stars from time to time. We are also glad to offer stars whenever we see somehting good. John remains his star level around 80 to 150 in the 1st semester. He uses his stars 3 - 4 times and each time cost around 20 TWD. 2010-2-23
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