
Sunday, September 27, 2009

wk4 (90925) of Grade 1 - John adapt to new school

I think John has adapted  to new school though he still think school is not fun.  His favorite course is PE-running.


He adapts to new school within 3 weeks, one week earlier than PS-3.
He can read and do homework and prepare stuffs for next day by himself.
He can take shower and wash hair by himself.  We need help him wash hair in the past.
He feel swimming is fun now. (swim back to stairs when the coach asks kids to walk back)
In PE course, only kids not behaved well are grounded this week instead of all boys.
He can read story (牙齒, 親親自然雜誌社, 1994-4-5) by himself with normal speed.

In average: It takes John 1.5 hours to complete homework. 
There are fewer chance for John to speak English.  His thinking logic gradually change from English to Chinese.

Potential reasons
After talking with other parents.  I think the reasons that John take longer time to complete homework are
1, He like drawing and it takes him lot of time to complete homework
2. I request him to read/spell out all content of homeworks.  The purposes are to
1, increase his spelling ability
2. some of my friends told me that their kids (grade 6) in math are good at solving the problem.  However , they have difficulty to understand the quesiton!

Thursday, September 24, 2009
















Wednesday, September 16, 2009


疾病管制局的免費諮詢專線為1922 (台北市的市民熱線為1999)。

  • 人類感染H1N1新型流感症狀與季節性流感類似,包括發燒、咳嗽、喉嚨痛、全身酸痛、頭痛、寒顫與疲勞,有些病例出現腹瀉、嘔吐症狀。
  • H1N1新型流感定義: 發燒超過攝氏38℃,且其臨床症狀包括從輕微的類流感到較為嚴重的肺炎等。
  • 有發燒、咳嗽或打噴嚏的人應該戴口罩的原因,一方面是可以避免自己的飛沫傳染給別人,另一方面是自己生病時抵抗力較弱,要避免再感染其他病原。
  • 如有呼吸道症狀,與他人交談時,最好保持1公尺以上的距離或者佩戴口罩。
  • H1N1新型流感的潛伏期大約是1-7天,最可能是1-4天 一般成人的H1N1新型流感,在症狀出現前一天至症狀出現後七天具有傳染性。  
  • 流感快速篩檢只能得知是否為A型或B型流感,並不能確定是不是H1N1新型流感;要確認還是要採集咽喉或鼻咽拭子進行RT-PCR或病毒培養。

(一) 5歲以下的兒童;
(二) 65歲或以上的老人;
(三) 長期服用阿斯匹靈的兒童和青少年(18歲或以下),以及感染流感病毒後可能併發雷氏症候群(Reye syndrome)的高危險族群;
(四) 孕婦;
(五) 有慢性肺、心血管、肝、腎、血液、神經、肌肉、或代謝疾病的成人
(六) 免疫抑制(包括因藥物或愛滋病毒感染造成的免疫抑制)的患者;
(七) 護理之家和其他慢性照護機構住民。


    • 資料來源:H1N1新型流感中央流行疫情指揮中心
    • 日期:2009-08-31

    Sunday, September 13, 2009


     陽陽開始學中文了! 練習拼音時, 我們嘗試的問他是否了解他所念的字詞含義,他的回答總帶來歡笑!
    爸爸: " 生活" 是什麼意思"?
    陽陽: 就是把火升起來啊!
    爸爸: " 檢核" 是什麼意思,你知道嗎?
    陽陽: 把盒子撿升起來!
    爸爸: "有始有終" 是什麼意思"?
    陽陽: 就是當鐘聲響起來後,要趕快刷牙上廁所,把該做的事作完!
    爸爸心想: 他是不是聽成"有屎有鐘" 了!
    愈窮千里目,ㄍㄥ  ㄕㄤˋ 一  ㄔㄥˊ  ㄌㄡˊ .....
    才拼完沒多久, 陽陽迫不急待的問爸爸:
    陽陽: 爸爸!  為什麼愈窮千里目需要跟上一條龍,是因為這樣比較快嗎!

    Wk2 (-90911) Communication matter!

    It is the second week of new school!  John make some progresses in school! 
    • Parents conferences indeed solve some of my questions.
    • He has 2 good friends now.

    • He is excited to tell me that he first time fell asleep in the nap time.

    • Physical education is his favorite course in school now.

    • He keeps the promise to go into the swimming pool on Thursday even though he feels the water is still too cold!

    • His ability in spelling phonetic symbols increased

    • He can read and check the homework communication book by himself with few of my help.
    • He is still think school is not fun!
    • He doesn't want to go out during the recess time. 
    • He need more time to build up disciplines.
    Potential Reasons
    • Taiwan's education system may create more pressures to students compared to past.   I start to learn some of John's contents only when I was in middle school. 
    • Some teachers only accept one way of writing.  It makes John feel frustrated and confused.  He asked me why his way of writing is correct in past 3 year but now it's wrong.
    • John said the reason of not going out during the recess time is that outside is too hot.  I prefer to think that he need more time to adapt new environment.  When he studied in American school, he always goes outside an plays with friends during the recess time.  I never heard that he said that outside is too hot!
    • He is still used to American way of education-learning by playing and projects concepts.  It always try to find someone to play and I think it is good. 
    • Align my reward system to the mentor. The teacher use circles & Xs as the major reward system to help kids set up disciplines.  If kids get 20 circle, they may exchange a small gift (pad or pencil etc...)
    • Tell John that what he learned in the past is correct. However, we are learning a new way of writing now.  He is excited to tell me that he know  3 ways of writing now.  In the same time, I also communicates with school teachers for the subject.
    • Constantly help him enhance mandarin ability.
    • Review past blog articles and other articles which may helpful.

    Saturday, September 5, 2009

    wk1 (90904) - more time to adapt new school

    It is the 1st week of new school! John need more time to adapt new school.
    Everyday when John come back from school, I will ask him 2 quesitons
    1. Do you have fun today?
    2. What's your favoriate course?
    • On Saturday and Monday, he  got lot of fun in school!
    • He is doing well after school. 
    • He meet a playmate who can play and do homework togethers.
    • Tuesday onwards,  he said he don't wnat go to school and get headache and stomachache from time to time. 
    • He don't want to swim - the reson is not yet clear
    • Don't like school welcome activities and feel  dizzy for : pass clever door,  study hard door, and pass 5 barriers. He likes the actives not yet happened draw teacher's portrait.
    • Don't like current school
    Potential Reasons:
    1. Pressures on mandarin especially compared to his peers studying in Taiwan's kingergarden.
    2. Way of interaction with kids  in America and Taiwan schools are different
    a. There are 15 kids in American school. Teachers is easier to take care individual differences, In Taiwan, there are around 40 students in a class.  Even though the teacher is working hard, it is difficult to take care each kids mind.  Teachers are forced to manage kid with lots of rules.
    b. American school encourage students learning by playing.   In Taiwan , the major activites are sitting  and listening.  However, compared to the past, the way of teaching already improved a lot
    c. In American school, if kids can't fall asleep in the nap time. They can find a book to read only if they didn't bother others. In Taiwan, if a kid can't fall  asleep, he need to pretend asleep....
    3. He had bad experiences in China's local summer school when he was 4.
    1. Help him enhance mandarin ability.
    2. Reivew the articles regarding way of interacting with John when John was 3. 

    Friday, September 4, 2009

    It is not a Taiwan school

    We just moved back and John is study in one of taiwan school. Since John studied in America school in the past 3 years, he hasn't spend too much time on learning Chinese. Therefore, I spend more time to communicate with him and try to enahnce his ability of reading mandrine.

    After a playdate with yao-yao, I found yao-yao can read homework and some chinese book.
    Dad: Your english is better and Yaoyao's chinese is better. do you know the reason.
    John: Yes. I studied in American school and she studied in Taiwan school.
    Dad: Since we are studing in taiwan school now... (I try to encourage him to learn more chinese ...)
    John suddently interrupted me and said: It is not a Taiwan school.

    I was surprised and asked: why?
    John: If it is a taiwan school, How come we haven't speak taiwanese in school?