
Saturday, December 31, 2011

第四天-2 時間暫停在鄉間的民宿

2011-7-2 星期六

今晚住宿的民宿(B&B),要求我們必須在晚上七點前到達。當我們自思凱島(Isle of Skye)開車前往Fort William時,我們發現GPS 想帶我們走坐渡輪的路線。由於我們不確定轎車是否可以搭渡輪以及可能的相關費用,我們決定走原先的路線。再次回到艾琳多南古堡(Eilean Donan Castle)享受不同時段的美景,和使用遊客中心的免費廁所。

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas gift?

We stayed in hotel with friends on christmas eve. This morning, when we waked up and prepared to eat breakfast. After brushing my teeth, I tried to find John for washing up. However, I couldn't find him. When I walked to living room,I found John were looking around the room.
I asked him what he is looking for. He said he is looking for Christmas gift. He wanted to know if Santa did send gift here.

Is Santa real?

John still believe Santa gives him what he wishes for if he behaves well...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

UK Day 4 Walk Into The Painting - Eilean Donan Castle

2011-7-2 Saturday
It was only 8:30 in the morning. The sun was hanging on the 10 o' clock position of sky. It felt like summer time of Taiwan.

After eating a leisurely breakfast in hotel, we went to front desk to check the weather conditions of Eilean Donan castle. Because the hotel's internet speed was slow, we waited a while before we got the answer. The lady politely told us that it was a sunny day and it seemed to be a beautiful place. We asked her if she ever visited this place. She said no. Originally, I thought if it is a well-known and beautiful attraction, most of local people may already stopped by sometimes.