
Wednesday, December 2, 2009



摺東西  林哲陽


小汽車和小糖果  林哲陽


一二三稻草人  林哲陽


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Money guy!

One day, Erica was reading one PowerPoint file.  When she turned to one page with the national father's photos,
John suddenly screamed out: "Money Guy"!
Mom :Why? 
John:  Because he is the one who always shows on the bills.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Nurse is better

One day, we are talking about what career may be good for John.

We are talking about directions of math-relative  and literature-relative.  After a while,

Mom:  I think a doctor is better. He can help a lots of people.

Dad:  Indeed! However, we need consider John's interests and personality....

We keep  discussing advantage and disadvantage of being a doctor!  Suddenly,

John interrupted and said: Do you know becoming a doctor is not good?

Why?  The answers draw our attention.

John:  Do you know that nurse always collect money , not doctor!

Saturday, October 24, 2009




發生爭執說《算了》或者《不說了》 代表著你,不想把你的想法跟他說、不想讓對方瞭解你、 也代表你們的感情會停留在原地。


若能,從吵架中…表達出自己的想法, 總比把話悶在心裡都不說出來的好!




Guidelines for happiness

Guidelines for happiness

1. Live simply.
2. Expect less.
3. Give more.
4. Free your mind from worry.
5. Free your heart from hate.

Thanks for what I have rather than enumerate difficulties

Happiness is something I choose in advance.  It depends on how I decide to see it.

Every day is a gift.  It is a decision I take every morning when I wake up. As long as I can open my eyes, I will focus on the new day and all the happy memories that I have built up during my life. I will give thanks to heaven for what I have rather than enumerate all the difficulties that I have.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Encourage kids to read aloud

Your first grader is learning to "crack the code" of the written word. First graders learn phonics, the sounds of all letters and letter combinations. They apply phonics knowledge to figuring out or "decoding" words that they do not know by sight. Learning how to crack the code of reading also helps your first grader spell words he wants to use in his writing.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Discussion helps first graders understand

When talking about her experiences, your first grader includes many details--not just the most important points.   First graders tend to include many details in their stories, and they are not yet able to summarize a story.

The average first grader knows thousands of words. Your child has learned new words in many different ways--through talking with you, through hearing books read aloud, and through new experiences at home and in school. Having a strong vocabulary is important for learning to read. After all, the more words your child knows, the more words he will be able to recognize in print.

First graders love to talk about the books they read and listen to. Discussion helps first graders understand the meaning of books they read and listen to. ..Your first grader can relate a story to her own experiences, be a critical reader by telling what she liked or disliked about the story, and make inferences by imagining what might happen next if the book had a sequel.

First graders' speaking is more rich and complex than their writing. The typical first grader uses a small fraction of the words he knows when he writes. It is common for a first grader to speak at length about dinosaurs or tell about a family outing in great detail. He may only be able to write down a sentence or even a list of words about the topic, however. Your child's writing may not rival his speaking for years to come.

Encouraging Your First Grader

  • Tell stories about real and imaginary events to increase comprehension. Take turns with your child talking about the day--what happened, what was surprising, what was funny. Also try making up stories together and even writing them down. Whether you're in the car, on the bus, or getting ready for bed, ask your child to choose some favorite characters for the story. Start off by telling the story yourself, have your child take a turn, and then alternate. When you tell stories together, you help your child learn what elements make up a good story, which will help his reading comprehension and writing.
  • Encourage your child to ask questions about words. Keeping up with a first grader's questions may be trying for parents, but asking about words is an important habit to develop. Simply saying, "I'm glad you asked that," or "That's a good question!" when your child asks about a word will keep him questioning when he comes across new words. If you hear an unfamiliar word, think aloud about its meaning or consult a dictionary. Your curiosity demonstrates that even grown-ups wonder about words.
  • Talk about challenging vocabulary words, concepts, and figures of speech. This will help broaden your child's vocabulary, deepen her understanding of all the concepts words represent, and help her to understand better what she is reading. 
  • Play games with language to increase vocabulary, develop problem-solving skills, and practice letter sounds. ...such as a children's version of Scrabble, Boggle, or Clue, Jr.

    Thursday, October 8, 2009

    First graders learn most through listening and talking

    Your first grader learns more new information from listening than from reading books. First graders are expert listeners, but just beginning readers. When your child listens to an explanation of a concept or to an informational book read aloud, she can understand and remember more complicated information than she can when she reads on her own. This is because she does not have to focus on figuring out the words.
    Many first graders enjoy listening to long stories. First graders' knowledge of the world, ability to follow complex plots, and natural enthusiasm for stories make longer books ideal for this age and stage. Rather than reading one or more short picture books in a sitting, your first grader will enjoy listening to chapter books, such as Stuart Little. Many also enjoy listening to longer, more complex picture books, such as Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters, in a single sitting.
    First graders learn most new word meanings through listening and talking rather than through reading books themselves. Older children and adults learn new words from reading books, but this is not true for first graders. They can only read simple books that contain easy words whose meanings they already know, so first graders need to develop new vocabulary in other ways. Your first grader learns words through listening to books read aloud, through discussing new words with adults, and through the introduction of new vocabulary into everyday experiences.
    Your first grader is learning how to be a good listener in the classroom. Knowing the unwritten rules of conversation, such as taking turns in conversation and building upon the comments of another person, is a skill that is related to reading. Children who use these rules make better use of group discussions and further their understanding of what they read through listening and discussing with others.

    Encouraging Your First Grader

    • Read aloud books that are more difficult than your child can read. As a beginning reader, your child is only reading very simple text, so read-aloud time is the time to challenge him with new vocabulary and ideas. First graders enjoy both picture books with complex themes and ideas, such as Baseball Saved Us, and simpler chapter books, such as My Father's Dragon. Some books are too difficult or contain material that is difficult for first graders to understand, however, so choose carefully.  
    • Discuss the book before, during, and after you read to develop reading comprehension. Before reading, talk with your child about the title and the front cover. See if she can guess what the book is going to be about. While you are reading, ask your child to make predictions about what will happen next. Encourage her to ask questions about words or story events. You might even think aloud, saying, "I wonder why Ramona didn't want to go to school." When you verbalize your thoughts, you encourage your child to think about meaning as well. When you are done reading, ask your child what her favorite part was or why a character felt the way he did.  
    • Read many different kinds of books to your child. Reading a wide variety of books aloud to your child will help expose her to many different vocabulary words and ideas. In addition, your child will learn different writing styles and ways of presenting information. As your child gains skill in writing, this will also help her be able to use different styles. When you read a variety of genres, including realistic fiction, information, poetry, fantasy, and biography, talk specifically about the special features of each one. For instance, point out captions under pictures in informational text and explain their purpose. You might also try reading several books by the same author and comparing and contrasting the styles across books. Or read a book and then watch a video and discuss similarities and differences.

    Sunday, September 27, 2009

    wk4 (90925) of Grade 1 - John adapt to new school

    I think John has adapted  to new school though he still think school is not fun.  His favorite course is PE-running.


    He adapts to new school within 3 weeks, one week earlier than PS-3.
    He can read and do homework and prepare stuffs for next day by himself.
    He can take shower and wash hair by himself.  We need help him wash hair in the past.
    He feel swimming is fun now. (swim back to stairs when the coach asks kids to walk back)
    In PE course, only kids not behaved well are grounded this week instead of all boys.
    He can read story (牙齒, 親親自然雜誌社, 1994-4-5) by himself with normal speed.

    In average: It takes John 1.5 hours to complete homework. 
    There are fewer chance for John to speak English.  His thinking logic gradually change from English to Chinese.

    Potential reasons
    After talking with other parents.  I think the reasons that John take longer time to complete homework are
    1, He like drawing and it takes him lot of time to complete homework
    2. I request him to read/spell out all content of homeworks.  The purposes are to
    1, increase his spelling ability
    2. some of my friends told me that their kids (grade 6) in math are good at solving the problem.  However , they have difficulty to understand the quesiton!

    Thursday, September 24, 2009
















    Wednesday, September 16, 2009


    疾病管制局的免費諮詢專線為1922 (台北市的市民熱線為1999)。

    • 人類感染H1N1新型流感症狀與季節性流感類似,包括發燒、咳嗽、喉嚨痛、全身酸痛、頭痛、寒顫與疲勞,有些病例出現腹瀉、嘔吐症狀。
    • H1N1新型流感定義: 發燒超過攝氏38℃,且其臨床症狀包括從輕微的類流感到較為嚴重的肺炎等。
    • 有發燒、咳嗽或打噴嚏的人應該戴口罩的原因,一方面是可以避免自己的飛沫傳染給別人,另一方面是自己生病時抵抗力較弱,要避免再感染其他病原。
    • 如有呼吸道症狀,與他人交談時,最好保持1公尺以上的距離或者佩戴口罩。
    • H1N1新型流感的潛伏期大約是1-7天,最可能是1-4天 一般成人的H1N1新型流感,在症狀出現前一天至症狀出現後七天具有傳染性。  
    • 流感快速篩檢只能得知是否為A型或B型流感,並不能確定是不是H1N1新型流感;要確認還是要採集咽喉或鼻咽拭子進行RT-PCR或病毒培養。

    (一) 5歲以下的兒童;
    (二) 65歲或以上的老人;
    (三) 長期服用阿斯匹靈的兒童和青少年(18歲或以下),以及感染流感病毒後可能併發雷氏症候群(Reye syndrome)的高危險族群;
    (四) 孕婦;
    (五) 有慢性肺、心血管、肝、腎、血液、神經、肌肉、或代謝疾病的成人
    (六) 免疫抑制(包括因藥物或愛滋病毒感染造成的免疫抑制)的患者;
    (七) 護理之家和其他慢性照護機構住民。


      • 資料來源:H1N1新型流感中央流行疫情指揮中心
      • 日期:2009-08-31

      Sunday, September 13, 2009


       陽陽開始學中文了! 練習拼音時, 我們嘗試的問他是否了解他所念的字詞含義,他的回答總帶來歡笑!
      爸爸: " 生活" 是什麼意思"?
      陽陽: 就是把火升起來啊!
      爸爸: " 檢核" 是什麼意思,你知道嗎?
      陽陽: 把盒子撿升起來!
      爸爸: "有始有終" 是什麼意思"?
      陽陽: 就是當鐘聲響起來後,要趕快刷牙上廁所,把該做的事作完!
      爸爸心想: 他是不是聽成"有屎有鐘" 了!
      愈窮千里目,ㄍㄥ  ㄕㄤˋ 一  ㄔㄥˊ  ㄌㄡˊ .....
      才拼完沒多久, 陽陽迫不急待的問爸爸:
      陽陽: 爸爸!  為什麼愈窮千里目需要跟上一條龍,是因為這樣比較快嗎!

      Wk2 (-90911) Communication matter!

      It is the second week of new school!  John make some progresses in school! 
      • Parents conferences indeed solve some of my questions.
      • He has 2 good friends now.

      • He is excited to tell me that he first time fell asleep in the nap time.

      • Physical education is his favorite course in school now.

      • He keeps the promise to go into the swimming pool on Thursday even though he feels the water is still too cold!

      • His ability in spelling phonetic symbols increased

      • He can read and check the homework communication book by himself with few of my help.
      • He is still think school is not fun!
      • He doesn't want to go out during the recess time. 
      • He need more time to build up disciplines.
      Potential Reasons
      • Taiwan's education system may create more pressures to students compared to past.   I start to learn some of John's contents only when I was in middle school. 
      • Some teachers only accept one way of writing.  It makes John feel frustrated and confused.  He asked me why his way of writing is correct in past 3 year but now it's wrong.
      • John said the reason of not going out during the recess time is that outside is too hot.  I prefer to think that he need more time to adapt new environment.  When he studied in American school, he always goes outside an plays with friends during the recess time.  I never heard that he said that outside is too hot!
      • He is still used to American way of education-learning by playing and projects concepts.  It always try to find someone to play and I think it is good. 
      • Align my reward system to the mentor. The teacher use circles & Xs as the major reward system to help kids set up disciplines.  If kids get 20 circle, they may exchange a small gift (pad or pencil etc...)
      • Tell John that what he learned in the past is correct. However, we are learning a new way of writing now.  He is excited to tell me that he know  3 ways of writing now.  In the same time, I also communicates with school teachers for the subject.
      • Constantly help him enhance mandarin ability.
      • Review past blog articles and other articles which may helpful.

      Saturday, September 5, 2009

      wk1 (90904) - more time to adapt new school

      It is the 1st week of new school! John need more time to adapt new school.
      Everyday when John come back from school, I will ask him 2 quesitons
      1. Do you have fun today?
      2. What's your favoriate course?
      • On Saturday and Monday, he  got lot of fun in school!
      • He is doing well after school. 
      • He meet a playmate who can play and do homework togethers.
      • Tuesday onwards,  he said he don't wnat go to school and get headache and stomachache from time to time. 
      • He don't want to swim - the reson is not yet clear
      • Don't like school welcome activities and feel  dizzy for : pass clever door,  study hard door, and pass 5 barriers. He likes the actives not yet happened draw teacher's portrait.
      • Don't like current school
      Potential Reasons:
      1. Pressures on mandarin especially compared to his peers studying in Taiwan's kingergarden.
      2. Way of interaction with kids  in America and Taiwan schools are different
      a. There are 15 kids in American school. Teachers is easier to take care individual differences, In Taiwan, there are around 40 students in a class.  Even though the teacher is working hard, it is difficult to take care each kids mind.  Teachers are forced to manage kid with lots of rules.
      b. American school encourage students learning by playing.   In Taiwan , the major activites are sitting  and listening.  However, compared to the past, the way of teaching already improved a lot
      c. In American school, if kids can't fall asleep in the nap time. They can find a book to read only if they didn't bother others. In Taiwan, if a kid can't fall  asleep, he need to pretend asleep....
      3. He had bad experiences in China's local summer school when he was 4.
      1. Help him enhance mandarin ability.
      2. Reivew the articles regarding way of interacting with John when John was 3. 

      Friday, September 4, 2009

      It is not a Taiwan school

      We just moved back and John is study in one of taiwan school. Since John studied in America school in the past 3 years, he hasn't spend too much time on learning Chinese. Therefore, I spend more time to communicate with him and try to enahnce his ability of reading mandrine.

      After a playdate with yao-yao, I found yao-yao can read homework and some chinese book.
      Dad: Your english is better and Yaoyao's chinese is better. do you know the reason.
      John: Yes. I studied in American school and she studied in Taiwan school.
      Dad: Since we are studing in taiwan school now... (I try to encourage him to learn more chinese ...)
      John suddently interrupted me and said: It is not a Taiwan school.

      I was surprised and asked: why?
      John: If it is a taiwan school, How come we haven't speak taiwanese in school?

      Sunday, August 30, 2009

      Amen 阿們!


      昨天禱告完後,John問我:為什麼pray最後都要講Amen? God的名字又不是Amen

      我告訴他Amen means ‘I agree’.

      今天禱告完,最後,他說:Jesus, thank you that you listen to our prayer, I AGREE!






      Mom: John, do you see outside?

      John: Ya, it’s dark.

      Mom: Yes, do you remember mommy told you this morning regarding eclipse that the sun would be covered by the moon and the earth would be dark?

      John: Yes, looks like the night!

      Mom: Yes, it is excited, isn’t it?

      John: Mmn, but, Mom, should I go to bed now? It’s dark and looks like the night.

      Mom: …



      哈佛幸福課 - 正面情緒(收入), 負面情緒(支出)

      <網路文章分享>  哈佛幸福課 泰勒‧本-沙哈爾

      人們衡量商業成就時,標準是錢/財富。用錢去評估資產和債務、利潤和虧損, 所有與錢無關的都不會被考慮進去。


      幸福,應該是快樂與意義的結合! 一個幸福的人,必須有一個明確的、可以帶來快樂和意義的目標,然後努力地去追求。真正快樂的人,會在自己覺得有意義的生活方式裡,享受它的點點滴滴。

      1.簡化生活, 充足睡眠, 規律運動
      1-1 簡化生活。應求精而不在多。
      1-2 睡眠:每天7到9小時的睡眠是一筆非常棒的投資而非浪費。
      1-3 規律地鍛煉。

      2. 接受自己,遵從內心, 面對失敗
      2-1 接受自己,不要忽略自己所擁有的獨特性; 失望、煩亂、悲傷是人性的一部分。接納這些,並把它們當成自然之事,允許自己偶爾的失落和傷感,然後問問自己,能做些什麼來讓自己感覺好過一點。
      2-2 遵從你內心的熱情。選擇對你有意義並且能讓你快樂的課,不要選別人認為你應該上的課。
      2-3 勇敢面對失敗。成功沒有捷徑,歷史上有成就的人,總是敢於行動,也會經常失敗。勇氣心懷恐懼,仍依然向前. 不要讓對失敗的恐懼,絆住你嘗試新事物的腳步。

      3. 感恩, 聚會, 給予
      3-1 表達感激。

      3-2 多和朋友們在一起。

      3-3 慷慨。
      「給予」和「接受」是一件事的兩個面。當我們幫助別人時,我們也在幫助自己; 當我們幫助自己時,也是在間接地幫助他人。

      Monday, April 6, 2009

      Grow Up to Be a Father…

      昨天跟JohnTaxi去球場的路上我跟他說Grade oneKindergarten不太一樣,要學的東西會比較多他輕輕的回答我說,他知道過一會兒他突然說:Grade one is different to kindergarten and kindergarten is different to pre-school.


      我說:Yes, you are right.


      John Said: But, mom, you know what? Alex G said he wishes he can be always in pre-school


      我說:Really? Do you want to go to pre-school now?


      John Said: No, I want to grow up.


      我說:Great! So that you can learn more, right?


      John Said: Yap, I want to grow up so that I can become a farther…



      Monday, March 30, 2009




      流行性感冒是由A型或B型流感病毒引起的. 症狀來得快且嚴重。最明顯症狀是發高燒、經常超過3839℃,如果沒有用藥物或其他方式退燒,體溫通常不會自行下降至正常範圍。其他症狀包括全身發冷、寒顫、肌肉痛、骨頭痠痛、頭痛、虛弱疲倦等

      一般感冒 (鼻塞和咳嗽): 多喝水、多休息

      H:多喝水。1.補充發燒失去的水分、2.稀釋痰液、鼻涕等分泌物, 比較容易咳出或是擤出來,3.舒緩咳嗽、減輕鼻腔、喉嚨充血/乾燥



      L: 避免含咖啡因的咖啡、茶、可樂,含酒精, & 高糖分的飲料。咖啡因,酒精,含糖飲料有利尿效果,將身體最需要的水分加速排出體外。

      Sunday, March 29, 2009

      小孩發燒: 減少衣服, 溫水擦拭, 睡冰枕, 多喝水


      發燒的處理原則: 減少衣服(幫助散熱), 溫水擦拭全身,睡冰枕, 多喝水. 有發燒且不舒服才用藥.

      1.  減少衣服穿著,以寬鬆為主,減少被蓋以幫助散熱。
      1a . 高燒前有發抖畏冷時, 先用棉被或衣物覆蓋, 不畏冷時再減少身體衣物的覆蓋

      2a.  若小孩耳溫>38,可先行給予睡冰枕,溫水擦拭全身, 洗溫水澡(泡室溫攝氏二十五的水中,再用海綿全身上下輕輕搓揉)等幫助散熱/退燒,
      2b. 如非常不舒服, 可先予口服退燒藥(須間隔4-6小時以上)
      2c. 發燒若超過39.5,一定要給。

      3. 若吃完藥後燒沒退,可先給予洗溫水澡。若服藥後一小時,仍持續高燒沒有流汗等退燒的情形,可以給予栓劑,如果這樣還不退燒,恐怕需跑一趟急診了。


      1. 體溫上升階段: 全身感覺不舒服
      2. 體溫穩定階段: 這時體溫調節中樞重新建立,有較高的調節點。其熱量的產生及熱量的散失達到新的平衡點。臉部泛紅,表示發燒處於高的平衡點。 
      3. 體溫下降階段: 病人流汗,全身濕濕的.補充足夠的水份,以防脫水現象。

      注意事項: : 是否精神活動力減低,發燒時間過長(超過2-3天), 高燒不退(> 40℃)或一 天多次發燒,有新症狀出現或其他無法處理的問題, 應儘速回醫院急診或 門診處理

      1. 小朋友發燒會不會燒壞腦子呢? 大部分不會。因為人體腦部細胞的主要成份是蛋白質,當體溫升高達四十二以上,蛋白質才可能受到破壞而可能導致腦細胞受損。

      1. 小兒發燒怎麼辦? 急診部小兒專科 陳怡萍 醫師 薛智中 主治醫師

      2. 小孩發燒的處理原則。   長庚兒童醫院 台北兒童內科顏大欽醫師

      Saturday, March 21, 2009

      It is just water in my eyes

      那天John沒有約playdate,我叫他選擇家庭作業來做, 他選了數學, 我讓他先讀題目. 題目包含中文注音拼音。因為太久沒練習拼音了, John寫了一下,覺得太難,就告訴我說不想做。我略帶生氣的告訴他, 那不要做算了, 以後你不認識字, 你自己負責。我發現到John 的眼眶泛紅了

      Daddy: ㄛ,這樣就要哭了!
      John: No, I am not crying. It’s just water in my eyes…


      Sunday, March 1, 2009


      看來應該學習老先生剛開小吃店的精神: 堅守目標, 做好自己, 其他則視而不見, 聽而不聞!

      Select from網路分享文章 - 經濟上的蝴蝶效應






      Saturday, February 21, 2009


      今年元宵節前一天剛好是星期天,打羽球的朋友在網上買了一些天燈準備在星期天晚上可以放。 Tim和我都沒放過天燈,更別說John那天下午,當大家準備要寫願望在天燈上,John問我:什麼是願望我告訴他,就是他每天禱告的事或者他想要的東西結果他很天真的說,他要寫 I want more toys and no sick. (平常John的禱告裡是不會禱告要玩具的)但是想想好玩,我們就讓他寫了他說的 ‘I want more toys’以及‘No sick’,我和Tim各寫了一面我寫Healthy and HappyTim寫了Healthy, Happy and Prosperous.


      當天晚上十幾個天燈一起飄上天空真的很美。回家後睡覺前 我如常的問他要禱告什麼?沒想到今天的Prayer request竟然多了一個‘Pray for what we put on the lantern, no sick, more toys, healthy, happy and prosperous’…我回答他‘what we put on the lantern is wishes’他很快的回答我‘If it was only wish, then we may get sick’…我告訴他‘Don’t worry, we pray everyday for not getting sick, God will bless us and give us strength. Even we got sick, He will heal us.’ 這傢伙反應很快地說‘Then, I will pray everyday so that God will make what we put on the lantern come true.’


      從那天之後我們每晚的禱告多了一項而且他會自己 pray ‘Dear God, I would like to pray for those things we put on lantern, no sick, more toys, healthy, happy and prosperous.’



      Thursday, February 5, 2009


      在平凡過程中一路以不凡的心默默自居, 在不凡結果後就能以平凡的心慇懃應酬。
      當你還未富貴時, 就要默默以富貴自居. 有朝一日富貴喧騰來時, 你就不會突然利令智昏.
      當你還無功名時, 就要默默以有名自居. 有朝一日功名熱鬧來時 你就不會名實不符.

      把過程當成結果的一部分 把結果當成過程的一部分 讓她真正的整合起來 你就可以離開那個不得已的落差

      何不一開始就以慶祝的心情, 享受的心情去修煉,
      何不一路上就以高手的身分去檢驗, 以成功的滋味去品嘗.

      在這個有限的世界住太久了, 容易習慣現實的枷鎖, 容易習慣面對現象做反應.一個真正有錢人不會在乎現在帳戶裡的錢, 因為他知道自己還有無限.

        "翁繼業老師主講 吃喝玩樂向上走"。!_Ehc.KaQHB6YDncJb.LoZaS2/article?mid=10733

      Similar concepts

      1. " secrets of the millionaire mind - 有錢人想得和你不一樣"
      2. branding

      Wednesday, January 14, 2009

      Jesus Loves Us

      Tonight, when I was reading bible story for John, the question in snuggle section was about go and tell the people who does not know Jesus about him. I asked John why we should tell the world about Jesus. He said to me because Jesus loves us and takes care of us, so we should share the good news. Then, I ask him how he will tell. He answers me:


      I will tell them, Jesus loves all of us. If you were bad guy, Jesus still loves you. If you were good guy, Jesus will love you even more.


      I know he will be a good gospeler!

      Saturday, January 3, 2009

      止鼻血三步驟: 捏、直坐、冰敷


      1. 壓鼻翼:先捏在鼻翼的三角形區域,5到10分鐘。
      2. 直直的坐著. 不要躺下,因為鼻血會流到喉嚨,容易嗆到。頭往前傾,鼻血常常會流得更快。

      3. 冰敷,這樣鼻血就不會流得太誇張。

      小孩子只要有鼻過敏、或氣溫變化太快, 太冷、太乾燥,就容易流鼻血。可以從減少環境的刺激,例如:使用空氣清淨機和潮濕器;或是戴口罩與鼻腔塗抹凡士林等保護鼻黏膜方式來預防流鼻血的發生。好在大部分兒童過了青春期後,就比較不會流鼻血了